Haikus, drawings, and pasta

A source of creativity and imagination

Week 9- The Best I Can Do

The Ocean: A Kingdom in its Own Way

I have always had an interest in marine biology, every since I was three. I know it may seem weird. A three year old, interested in fishes, of all things? Not cats, not unicorns, but things like sharks and sea cucumbers and jellyfish. Of course, it’s natural to act that way. You don’t come across many people like that at age three.
To me it’s the most amazing science. Think of all the things we know about space- we know more of those things than we know about the ocean! Amazing, right? I find the ocean fascination because there no telling what you’ll see. It’s like the earth leaked it’s imagination into the ocean and created these wonderful creatures.

So, I assume I should at least tell you about the start of it all. When I was three my parents took me to the aquarium to give me something to do since I was bored easily. Imagine my parents surprise when I could stare at a fish tank for longer than five minutes! I found the. Super interesting. They were like aliens- they seemed impossible until I discovered them. They were strange but unique, and like nothing animals on land. I loved water and the ocean already, so this only helped. I brought home a booklet listing all the species they have in the aquarium, which they give you when you enter. I loved it and read it when I was bored. Every night for two weeks, when my mom asked me what I wanted her to read to me, I asked for the booklet. I also had a book with glow-in-the-dark deep sea creatures, and I would read it all the time. The creatures were ugly- but I loved them. I wasn’t afraid of those, but I was afraid of big dogs. That’s something that will never make sense to me.
And here’s a link to that aquarium’s website, if you’d like to take a look: click me!

I intend to become a marine biologist when I’m older. The sea interests me so much- I knew what my dream job was as soon as I learned the word… When I was six. My teacher is a marine biologist, so that helps a lot! We even learned marine biology in science this year. I hope to go a college that teaches it, and I’m glad that there is some at least kinda close to my home. I have also set a personal “bucket list,” so that if I do become a marine biologist, I can try to complete these. Some goals include discovering a new species of ocean creatures, (it will most likely not be a fish, though,) learn with my current teacher, who I look up to as a mentor, and see a crab migration. They are small goals, I know, but. I need to start small. In the end, I find marine biology so interesting, and I’m always on the edge of my seat to learn more about the ocean. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Also, here is a link to a live webcam inside an aquarium tank, it’s really cool:click me!


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